Is there an attack on the Sabbath?
The unending attacks on the calendar have a sinister
foreboding about them.
There is a much deeper attack, than what most people
seem to realize. It should
be obvious, what is happening.
Satan has always attacked God’s Sabbaths; and
he always will. The
mainstream churches all keep Sunday in letter, if
not in deed. Some church
leaders took a big percentage of Worldwide Church of
God members back to the
ways of this world, by getting rid of the Sabbath,
or downgrading the Sabbath,
to where it’s just an idea, and not a requirement of
Those of us, who refused to do away with the
Sabbath; are now facing a
sinister underhanded plot to get rid of it; by
questioning the calendar. It all
looks perfectly innocent, as the scholars come up
with one idea after another,
to refute the calendar we use.
Don’t be deceived: this is a massive ploy to
change God’s Sabbaths
[including the holy days]. This is another attack by
Satan, to get rid of God’s
Sabbaths. The scholars who are doing this may well
be extremely academic; but
they are not people of God.
Consider well the following statements.
Would the great God expect His people to
remember the Sabbath days; if He
was not able to remember them?
Would the great God, who put the sun and moon
in the sky, for times and
seasons: not be able to remember the Sabbath day?
1:14 Then God said,
"Let there be lights in the firmament of the
heavens to divide the day
from the night; and let them be for signs and
seasons, and for days and years;
Obedience to God’s laws, which include the
Sabbaths, is a requirement of
eternal life. God will not have His Sabbaths,
impossible to find. God’s
Sabbaths are a sign between God and His chosen
20:12 Moreover I also
gave them My Sabbaths, to be a sign between them
and Me, that they might know
that I am
the LORD who
sanctifies them.
Let’s look into the future.
Dan 7:25
He shall speak pompous
words against the Most High,
Shall persecute the saints of the Most High, And
shall intend to change times
and law. Then the saints
be given into his hand For a time and times and
half a time.
A vile person will deceive members of God’s
church into replacing God’s
days with Easter keeping, which includes sun and
idol worship. The words ‘daily
sacrifice’ is better translated ‘continuity.’
8:11 He even exalted himself
as high as the Prince of the
host; and by him the daily sacrifices
were taken away, and the place of His sanctuary
was cast down.
11:30 For ships from
Cyprus shall come against him; therefore he shall
be grieved, and return in
rage against the holy covenant, and do damage.
"So he shall return and show regard for those who
forsake the holy
The abominations of idol worship and weeping
for Tammuz [lent] etc. are
set up in the temple of God by the
little horn
and people who forsake the Holy Covenant. Ezekiel
chapter 8 describes the
abominations, which are set up in God’s temple.
These people are church
members, who forsake God’s Sabbaths, including the
holy days.
Satan has always and will always attack
the days that God gave His
people. By getting rid of God’s Sabbaths Satan gets
rid of the sign, God gave
us; and also God’s overall plan of salvation for all
God’s people need to be aware of the wiles of
our arch enemy. We must
stay close to God, so Satan can’t deceive us.