The Passover
is kept
[prepared] on the 14th Nisan. It is eaten after sunset
at the start of the
15th. Which is the first day of Unleavened Bread.
Scripture cannot be broken,
so every mention of the Passover must agree with the
following two verses. The word
kept in the
following verse, means prepared. Notice that the
Passover is killed on the
14th. 2Ch 35:1 Now Josiah
kept a Passover to the LORD in
Jerusalem, and they slaughtered the Passover lambs
on the fourteenth day of the
first month. Christ was
at the Passover in
the feast day. Joh 2:23 Now when
He was in Jerusalem at the Passover,
during the feast, many believed in His name when
they saw the signs which He
did. The Passover
is on the 14th.
Christ kept the Passover in the 15th. This is the holy
day. The feast of
Unleavened Bread is also in the 15th. Lev 23:5 On the
fourteenth day of the first month at
twilight is the LORD’s Passover. Lev 23:6 And on the
fifteenth day of the same month is
the Feast of Unleavened Bread to the LORD; seven
days you must eat Unleavened
Bread. Lev 23:7 On the
first day you shall have a holy
convocation; you shall do no customary work on it. The feast of
Unleavened Bread
is also called the Passover. This feast is eaten on
the 15th. Luk 22:1 Now the
Feast of Unleavened Bread drew near,
which is called Passover. Mar 14:1 After two
days it was the Passover and the
Feast of Unleavened Bread. And the chief priests and
the scribes sought how
they might take Him by trickery and put Him to
death. Read this
carefully, Passover
14th. Feast 15th. It is extremely clear the Passover
is prepared on the 14th:
eaten on the 15th. In verse 17; the feast is the feast
of Unleavened Bread,
which is also called the Passover. Num 28:16 ‘On the
fourteenth day of the first month is
the Passover of the LORD. Num 28:17 And on the
fifteenth day of this month is the
feast; Unleavened Bread shall be eaten for seven
days. The
scriptures are clear and
show that the Passover is prepared on the 14th Nisan
[preparation day] and
eaten on the 15th Nisan [Holy Day] the time of the
Passover is ordained
forever. Exo 12:14 ‘So this
day shall be to you a memorial; and
you shall keep it as a feast to the LORD throughout
your generations. You shall
keep it as a feast by an everlasting ordinance. The above
scriptures state
plainly that the Passover is to be prepared on the
14th and eaten on the 15th.
The obvious question arises; did the church of God
keep the wrong day? The
answer is absolutely astounding. By keeping
the Passover, we
have eternal life. Compare these two verses, to have
eternal life; we must keep
the correct day. Joh 6:54 Whoever eats My flesh
and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will
raise him up at the last day. Exo 12:17 So you
shall observe the Feast of Unleavened
Bread, for on this same day I will have brought your
armies out of the land of
Egypt. Therefore you shall observe this day
throughout your generations as an
everlasting ordinance. The ancient
Israelites were
not to drink the blood. Exo 12:7 And they
shall take some of the blood and put
it on the two doorposts and on the lintel of the
houses where they eat it. Drinking the
blood is
required for eternal life. Joh 6:53 Then Jesus said to
them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you
eat the flesh of the Son of Man
and drink His blood, you have no life in you. The Old
Testament Passover
was to be eaten without the blood, and drinking the
blood of Christ is
necessary for eternal life. At our
baptism into God’s
church, we receive the earnest of God’s Spirit, which
is the down payment of
eternal life. We do not have eternal life inherent
until we receive the Spirit
of life. We still
have to keep the
Passover after our baptism, even though we do not yet
have eternal life. God
worked out a brilliant plan, so we could keep the
Passover while not yet having
eternal life. Christ changed the symbols of the
Passover to where we now had to
not only eat the bread signifying His body: We also
had to drink the wine,
signifying the drinking of His spilt blood. We have
shown above that the time
for eating the Passover is the 15th Nisan, which has
been ordained forever.
Christ changed the symbols on the 14th Nisan, which
means the New Testament
Passover can be kept on that date, but it does not
mean we have eternal life by
keeping that date. On the correct night of the eating
of the Passover, we kept
the night to be much observed, which is actually the
Old Testament Passover
meal, and is eaten without blood. God’s church
in the
Philadelphian era kept the New Testament Passover, by
partaking of the symbols
of the eating of the bread and drinking of the wine,
but not on the correct day
of the Passover. They kept it on the same day that
Christ kept His last
Passover, because this was one of the reasons that
Christ and the disciples
kept the Passover early, so as to allow the New
Testament church to keep it on
the wrong date so they would not qualify for eternal
life at that time. Also, Christ
could not keep
the Passover on the correct night as He would be dead
at that time. He had to
keep it one night early with His disciples. Christ
died as did the Passover
lambs, Christ was our Passover lamb. Just as the lambs
were dead at the time to
take the Passover some four hours later, Christ was
also dead at the time the
Jews took the Passover service the night of His death.
Notice the following
scripture, it shows clearly that the Jews were going
to eat the Passover that
night. Joh 18:28 Then they
led Jesus from Caiaphas to the
Praetorium, and it was early morning. But they
themselves did not go into the
Praetorium, lest they should be defiled, but that
they might eat the Passover. The Old
Testament Passover
meal was still kept on the correct night of the
Passover under the guise of the
night to be much remembered. When we come
to the knowledge
of the truth, we will eat the New Testament Passover
at the start of the 15th
Nisan. We keep the
Passover in
remembrance of the death of Christ and we accept the
fact that Christ died for
the sins of mankind. Christ ate the Passover on the
Feast day during His
ministry; the Passover was eaten in the Feast day
after His death. It is stated
plainly in the New Testament, that the Passover is
eaten in the Feast Day.
Christ kept the Passover the night before His death,
and introduced the New
Testament symbols of His body. He did not change the
date. The Passover
ceremony was ordained forever. This fact is mentioned
continually in the Old
Testament. If Christ changed the date; then scripture
would be broken. It should be
noted and
understood that Christ had to take the Passover with
His disciples one night
early, as He would be dead at the correct time, He was
our Passover Lamb, and
so died at the same time as the lambs died,
approximately 4 hours before the
eating of the Passover. Exo 12:14 ‘So this
day shall be to you a memorial; and
you shall keep it as a feast to the LORD throughout
your generations. You shall
keep it as a feast by an everlasting ordinance. The steps of
the Passover are
explained in simplified form; all scriptures are
available to back up the
following events. [1]
the Father instigated the Passover ceremony to be kept
on the same date
forever. [2]
Christ instigated the New Testament symbols of bread
and wine, which are
symbolic of Christ’s body and blood. [3]
the Father has decreed that it is a requirement of
eternal life that we eat the
bread and wine, symbolising Christ’s body and blood,
on the correct day. [4]
our baptism, and receiving the earnest of the Spirit,
we eat the New Testament
symbols on the 14th. Nisan. We do not have eternal
life inherent at this time. [5]
the correct day of the Passover, we eat the Old
Testament Passover meal. We do
not kill a lamb on the preparation day, as we have
accepted Christ’s death for
the remission of sins. We eat Unleavened Bread at this
time, but we do not
drink the wine signifying Christ’s blood: as we do not
have eternal life inherent
at this time. [6]
God chooses to give us the knowledge of eternal life,
and we choose to accept
that knowledge; we will then keep the New Testament
Passover on the correct
night; thus, signifying that we now have eternal life
inherent in the form of
the Holy Spirit of life. What an
amazing plan; during
the time in God’s church, the Philadelphian era; we
correctly kept the New
Testament Passover on the wrong day, and we
unknowingly kept the Old Testament
Passover meal on the correct day of the Passover. This
was in accordance with
God’s plan, but eventually we must receive the
knowledge of the truth about the
Passover. The Passover
pictures the
very Son of the great God being cruelly put to death
for the sins of mankind.
Christ voluntarily died that we may live. Joh 3:16 For God so loved the
world that He gave His only begotten Son, that
whoever believes in Him should
not perish but have everlasting life. The
acceptance of Christ’s
death to pay the penalty for our sins; is the first
stage of our path to eternal
life. The High and Lofty God, the great God of all
creation, has decreed that
the Passover ceremony be kept forever as a memorial to
the sacrifice of His
Son. God has further decreed that we must correctly
keep the Passover on the
correct day as one of the requirements of our
receiving eternal life. The true
knowledge of the
Passover shows just how much love that God and Jesus
Christ have for us
undeserving human beings. Don’t neglect this beautiful
knowledge. There is no
confliction in
the Bible, regarding the Passover. The emphasis in the
Old Testament is on the
preparing. Kept means prepared, or killed. Jos 5:10 Now the
children of Israel camped in Gilgal,
and kept the Passover on the fourteenth day of the
month at twilight on the
plains of Jericho. Every
mention of the Passover
in the New Testament backs up the Passover being
killed on the 14th: eaten on
the 15th. ‘Feast’ in
the following
verses is not inspired. The eating of the Passover and
the first day of
Unleavened Bread are on the same day (from sunset to
sunset). Mat 26:2 Ye know that after
two days is the feast of the passover, and the Son
of man is betrayed to be
crucified. The same
verse from the
Modern King James shows the uninspired word ”feast”
left out. Mat 26:2 “You know that after
two days is the Passover, and the Son of Man will
be delivered up to be
crucified.” Mar 14:1 After two
days it was the Passover and the
Feast of Unleavened Bread. And the chief priests and
the scribes sought how
they might take Him by trickery and put Him to
death. The Passover
is on the feast
day. Joh 2:23 Now when
He was in Jerusalem at the Passover,
during the feast, many believed in His name when
they saw the signs which He
did. ‘First’ in
the following
verses can mean ‘before’. Before is the correct
translation, as we have seen
that the Passover is prepared before Unleavened Bread. Mat 26:17 Now on the
first day of the Feast of
Unleavened Bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying
to Him, “Where do You want
us to prepare for You to eat the Passover?” Mar 14:12 Now on the
first day of Unleavened Bread,
when they killed the Passover lamb, His disciples
said to Him, “Where do You
want us to go and prepare, that You may eat the
Passover?” ‘Day’ in the
next verse can
mean a 24-hour day; it can also mean approx. day.
Remember the Passover is
ordained forever, and the Passover is to be killed
before Unleavened Bread. Luk 22:7 Then came
the Day of Unleavened Bread, when
the Passover must be killed. In the
Philadelphian era, we
have taken the Passover service then go home and
continue to eat normal
leavened bread until the following night at sunset
when we start to eat
Unleavened Bread. This has never seemed correct, and
once we understand the new
knowledge of the Passover we understand that we put
leaven out of our homes
before we take the Passover service. From sunset
before we eat the Passover
service we are keeping Unleavened Bread. This is new
knowledge for the
Laodicean Era, and words of eternal life. |