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Who causes terrorism?


Why is it mainly directed at English speaking nations?


What is the reason for it?


You may get a shock; Terrorism is brought on by God the Father to punish His chosen nation, for breaking the old covenant.


Jesus Christ has been building His church with end time knowledge since the year 2000. Since that time the world has become a vastly different place to live in. Terrorism is now a common part of our lives. It is obvious that the main target of terrorism is the English-speaking nations.


The Israelites had agreed to all the terms of the covenant, which God had given them during the time of the exodus.


Exo 24:7  Then he took the Book of the Covenant and read in the hearing of the people. And they said, “All that the LORD has said we will do, and be obedient.”


The old covenant promised fabulous physical blessings for obedience, and terrible punishment for disobedience.


Israel never obeyed the covenant, which is the Ten Commandments, and by extension, the statutes and judgements. The covenant promise was given to the Israelites, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The English-speaking nations were given the covenant promises because of a promise to Abraham; these nations have had great physical riches, but have forgotten their God; the God of Israel: They will soon pay the penalty for breaking God’s covenant.


Lev 26:15  and if you despise My statutes, or if your soul abhors My judgments, so that you do not perform all My commandments, but break My covenant,


Read the next verse carefully; it is God the Father speaking. God the Father will start our punishment with terrorism. God the Father is even now stirring up the Arab nations to terrorise His chosen people.


Lev 26:16  I also will do this to you: I will even appoint terror over you, wasting disease and fever which shall consume the eyes and cause sorrow of heart. And you shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it.


There is a way to be protected from the terrorism to come.


Psa 91:2  I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.”


Psa 91:5  You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the arrow that flies by day,


Psa 91:9  Because you have made the LORD, who is my refuge, Even the Most High, your dwelling place,


God the Father uses the cruel nations to punish Israel, the Arabs hate Israel, and the Philistines have an old hatred.


Eze 25:15  ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “Because the Philistines dealt vengefully and took vengeance with a spiteful heart, to destroy because of the old hatred,”


God loves Israel, He has given us incredible physical blessings; but we have forgotten our God. Unless we repent and begin to obey our creator: the great God of Israel will punish us as per the words of the covenant.


This punishment begins with terrorism. Even though terror is expected in our countries, it will not come, until we have been warned by God’s watchman.


Eze 3:27  But when I speak with you, I will open your mouth, and you shall say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD.’ He who hears, let him hear; and he who refuses, let him refuse; for they are a rebellious house.


God’s punishment for breaking the covenant is mentioned in detail in Leviticus 26. It starts with terrorism, and culminates in utter devastation of the English-speaking peoples. Our only hope of avoiding this calamity is to turn from our evil ways and begin to obey our creator, the Holy one of Israel.


Lev 26:14  ‘But if you do not obey Me, and do not observe all these commandments,

Lev 26:15  and if you despise My statutes, or if your soul abhors My judgments, so that you do not perform all My commandments, but break My covenant,

Lev 26:16  I also will do this to you: I will even appoint terror over you, wasting disease and fever which shall consume the eyes and cause sorrow of heart. And you shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it.

Lev 26:17  I will set My face against you, and you shall be defeated by your enemies. Those who hate you shall reign over you, and you shall flee when no one pursues you.

Lev 26:18  ‘And after all this, if you do not obey Me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins.

Lev 26:19  I will break the pride of your power; I will make your heavens like iron and your earth like bronze.

Lev 26:20  And your strength shall be spent in vain; for your land shall not yield its produce, nor shall the trees of the land yield their fruit.

Lev 26:21  ‘Then, if you walk contrary to Me, and are not willing to obey Me, I will bring on you seven times more plagues, according to your sins.

Lev 26:22  I will also send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your children, destroy your livestock, and make you few in number; and your highways shall be desolate.

Lev 26:23  ‘And if by these things you are not reformed by Me, but walk contrary to Me,

Lev 26:24  then I also will walk contrary to you, and I will punish you yet seven times for your sins.

Lev 26:25  And I will bring a sword against you that will execute the vengeance of the covenant; when you are gathered together within your cities I will send pestilence among you; and you shall be delivered into the hand of the enemy.

Lev 26:26  When I have cut off your supply of bread, ten women shall bake your bread in one oven, and they shall bring back your bread by weight, and you shall eat and not be satisfied.

Lev 26:27  ‘And after all this, if you do not obey Me, but walk contrary to Me,

Lev 26:28  then I also will walk contrary to you in fury; and I, even I, will chastise you seven times for your sins.

Lev 26:29  You shall eat the flesh of your sons, and you shall eat the flesh of your daughters.

Lev 26:30  I will destroy your high places, cut down your incense altars, and cast your carcasses on the lifeless forms of your idols; and My soul shall abhor you.

Lev 26:31  I will lay your cities waste and bring your sanctuaries to desolation, and I will not smell the fragrance of your sweet aromas.

Lev 26:32  I will bring the land to desolation, and your enemies who dwell in it shall be astonished at it.

Lev 26:33  I will scatter you among the nations and draw out a sword after you; your land shall be desolate and your cities waste.

Lev 26:34  Then the land shall enjoy its sabbaths as long as it lies desolate and you are in your enemies’ land; then the land shall rest and enjoy its sabbaths.

Lev 26:35  As long as it lies desolate it shall rest for the time it did not rest on your sabbaths when you dwelt in it.

Lev 26:36  ‘And as for those of you who are left, I will send faintness into their hearts in the lands of their enemies; the sound of a shaken leaf shall cause them to flee; they shall flee as though fleeing from a sword, and they shall fall when no one pursues.

Lev 26:37  They shall stumble over one another, as it were before a sword, when no one pursues; and you shall have no power to stand before your enemies.

Lev 26:38  You shall perish among the nations, and the land of your enemies shall eat you up.

Lev 26:39  And those of you who are left shall waste away in their iniquity in your enemies’ lands; also in their fathers’ iniquities, which are with them, they shall waste away.

Lev 26:40  ‘But if they confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their fathers, with their unfaithfulness in which they were unfaithful to Me, and that they also have walked contrary to Me,

Lev 26:41  and that I also have walked contrary to them and have brought them into the land of their enemies; if their uncircumcised hearts are humbled, and they accept their guilt

Lev 26:42  then I will remember My covenant with Jacob, and My covenant with Isaac and My covenant with Abraham I will remember; I will remember the land.

Lev 26:43  The land also shall be left empty by them, and will enjoy its sabbaths while it lies desolate without them; they will accept their guilt, because they despised My judgments and because their soul abhorred My statutes.

Lev 26:44  Yet for all that, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not cast them away, nor shall I abhor them, to utterly destroy them and break My covenant with them; for I am the LORD their God.

Lev 26:45  But for their sake I will remember the covenant of their ancestors, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the nations, that I might be their God: I am the LORD.’ ”

Lev 26:46  These are the statutes and judgments and laws which the LORD made between Himself and the children of Israel on Mount Sinai by the hand of Moses.


Let’s hope that we all heed the warning of the above scriptures, God will not wait forever for us to commit to Him and His laws, our hearts need to be seeking after Him.


Isa 55:6  Seek the LORD while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near.